Sophie Dubus
Self-Discovery: Coaching, Healing & Hypnotherapy.
It all starts with the self. Self-awareness is the key to self-mastery. We all have the ability to heal ourselves. Once we understand ourselves at a deeper level - emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually - and we accept responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions, then we can embark upon a journey to fulfill our potential.
Sophie’s journey of self-discovery has taken her all over the world - from hypnotherapists in the UK and Australia, to shamans in Lesotho and Bali, and Ayurvedic doctors and astrologers in India. When a near-miss accident showed her a clear universal sign she had veered off the path, she took the hint and changed her life. She is trained in a variety of disciplines and therapies, including hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, intuitive healing, shamanic healing, life coaching, transpersonal psychology and gestalt therapy.
If you are ready for change, book in for a free consultation with Sophie to see how you can work together.
Through our everyday interactions we pick up negative energy and emotions, as well as experiencing emotional and physical trauma. If you are feeling lost, depleted, stuck, or just not quite yourself, this session can help to remove blockages and rebalance your energy, to leave you feeling empowered and with a deeper sense of wholeness. This session may include any combination of sound healing, crystal healing, divination and more. After the session you will receive spiritual guidance and messages specific to you.
We often come to a point in our life where things are not as we had dreamed, they would be. Life coaching allows you to get clear on what you want in the future and offers practical steps on how you can achieve it. Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad. The goal of this session is to attain greater self-awareness and clarity on your life - not by dwelling on the past, but by gaining an understanding of your present situation, and how you can overcome any challenges to create the fulfilling future that you want.
We come into this world without limitation, but through conditioning in our life (school, family, society) we develop beliefs that we are not enough. To rebuild this sense of self-love and self-worth is the key to long-term change and transformation. If you are struggling with body image issues, perfectionism, people pleasing, undue stress and anxiety, or lacking boundaries, then it’s likely you could do with a boost of self-love. This session uses a combination of hypnotherapy, crystal healing, sound therapy and verbal clearing and affirmations as well as tools and techniques to take away with you.
Sophie offers a free 15-minute consultation for anyone interested to meet and learn more about how she can help you to facilitate change