Grand Master Choa Kok Sui’s ‘PRANIC HEALING’®
Marco Economides has been working in the field of integrative therapies and subtle energies for more than 10 years. He has trained and practiced within an interdisciplinary group of medical practitioners and psychotherapists specialized in integrating medical applications with holistic therapies. The goal is to facilitate the healing journey for those who already have an important illness; and/or optimize the state of health, intended as a complete and total wellbeing: physical, psychological and social.
He is a certified practitioner for different techniques and therapies that he uses according to the condition and situation, to go to the root of the problem, explore the deeper levels to support change and personal growth.

How.....With the following therapies and treatments:
With DMOKA (an upgraded version of EMDR -Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) This therapy is based on eye movements and is for PTSD, anger problems, abusive experiences, guilt feelings, dysfunctional behaviours and addictions.
When traumatic or distressing experiences happen to us, they may overwhelm our normal coping mechanisms, so the processing of the event is interrupted (frozen) and remains as a memory that can become a fear or blockage (like guilt or shame) that we end up carrying in life as a heavy burden. These burdens can significantly condition us over the years to come. By using eye movements, DMOKA works on the hemispheres of the brain and can release and reprocess old feelings of discomfort, emotional baggage, traumatic memories and other adverse life experiences.
Digging into the subconscious levels of your being with kinesiology to reprogram limiting beliefs and perceptions with Theta brain waves. Access the subconscious levels of the mind and change the beliefs and programs that no longer serve us. These are replaced with beliefs that support a healthy and fulfilling life.
Optimize the circulation of energy in the body, remove congestions and heal on the emotional, mental and physical level. Just like the body takes in oxygen and expels CO2 for the daily bodily functions, at a subtle level the human body takes in energy that it uses for the metabolic processes and then expels the “used energy” (also known as congested energy). To operate at its best the circulation of energy requires to be in a specific balance. This balance may be impaired and damaged by injuries, stress or trauma thus making our system less healthy, less efficient and less capable of healing itself.
Optimize the circulation of energy in the body, remove congestions and heal on the emotional, mental and physical level. Just like the body takes in oxygen and expels CO2 for the daily bodily functions, at a subtle level the human body takes in energy that it uses for the metabolic processes and then expels the “used energy” (also known as congested energy). To operate at its best the circulation of energy requires to be in a specific balance. This balance may be impaired and damaged by injuries, stress or trauma thus making our system less healthy, less efficient and less capable of healing itself.
Family Constellations (FC) allow individuals to heal from personal challenges that originate in their past, in their family, and most notably, in their family's history. FC is largely different from most coaching or talk therapy approaches and is remarkable for its efficiency in getting to the root of a person's issue.
Family Constellations uncover how a person's struggles, which may have previously felt like a personal issue or flaw, are not so simple. Instead, challenges like anxiety, depression, trauma, illness and more are often revealed to be logical outcomes from not only a person's upbringing, but the events and circumstances surrounding their parents' upbringing, their grandparents' upbringing, or their larger family tree.
Whether you want to address business- or work-related matters, family or personal growth, Family constellations allows you to break these patterns so that we can live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. In a moment of insight, a new life course can be set in motion. The results can be life-changing.
Conditions that can be treated:
Become aware of core emotional blocks that are hindering our health, relationships, financial & career and work on resolving issues that prevent us from living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life